Ch Kilbourne Macleod
Pendrethan Macallan
Dam: Kilbourne Lace
of Birth 20th April 2004 Shown here
August 2005. Brother of MacBeth and
MacDeva. Best Dog Puppy Crufts 2005,
won the RCC at SKC 2005, 1ST CC
Darlington Mr Alec MacKenzie 2005 Cleod
was then taken out of the ring while whe was filing for Warner
Bros and appeared in the Harry Potter film as Padfood - Returning
late 2006 and after we had washed the black dye out of his coat
he took another 2 cc and gained his title. 2 gained under breed
specialists Nell Wilson and Jean Blandford, the other 3 under
all round group judges. show
results here
2007 update Cleod won the Deerhound
Club top male trophy for 2007 and will appear from time to time
in the ring in 2008 -