Star at Kilbourne
Sire: Solo Wonder Dam: Brylach Fearless Date of Birth 5th December 1995 -February 2009 'Fern' as she is known was advertised for sale in a local paper. This in itself is unusual, so Glenis went to have look and bought her on the spot. She turns out to be the aunt of Bran, and is an absolute sweetie who now sleeps on a rug in the hall. Fern was mated to Ch. Kilbourne Darling and produced four puppies in June 2000, Ria, Regency, Rambler and Ranger. Fern spent some time at Leavesden studios where she was the template for Sirius Black in the film Harry Potter and the Prisner of Azkaban. She is still on contract to the studios but in fact has retired. Seen below with her trainer Sue where she was learning to jump the ramps, what fun we all had February 2007 update Fern continues to live with us here at Kilbourne and at the ripe old age of 12+ she is doing very well. March 2008 Well we are a year further on and although rather doddery and often she finds her self outside when she wants to be inside and visa versa she is well and happy and in her 13th year. Jan 2009 It is with great saddness I have to report that Fern is no longer in good health, she has a large cyst on her front leg which is obvuiously giving her some discomfort. This is a hard call for us, she is in her 14th year and is obviously very tired, she needs to sleep, but is tough. We are living from day to day and we are sure we will know when it is time. Having made the decision today (16th) she rallied and ran down the garden path to greet me so now we are enjoying the last few days together. Jan 22nd Fern is still with us, there is still light in her eyes and she enjoys pinching my toast although she has fell a couple of times today she got up and found her bed in my hall. Jan 24th Fern is getting increasingly unstable, she is incontiment which is causing a big problem in the house during the day and we have to put her out into a heated kennel at night with Diana (poor Diana) or we would be flooded in the morning. BUT she still enjoys her dinner so we are leaving well alone for the time being. This Fern (Solo Star to Kilbourne) She came to us from an ad in the yellow pages and made her mark. She has now left at the ripe old age of 13 years 2 months she was very tired and so we gave her sleep. The hole left is deep and will never be filled as she was so different from any other hound we have owned. Tough but gentle strong but self willed and just the nicest hound we we have ever owned. She touched the heart of all who knew her. She, in your younger days could clear 6ft but she never jumped out. She could quarter a field and lamp but slept with the cats. She only had one litter but has left 113 descendants the latest being Witch Way to Kilbourne. TESTED CARRIER FOR FACTOR VIID |